2010년 3월 12일 금요일

What I want through Tesol course

After becoming a teacher, I came to know secondary English education emphasizes on living English and on student-centered learning activities, which is very different from my school days. When I was a student, grammar and reading accuracy is major focus, but now, communication ability is much more emphasized. So I need to change my view and train myself according to the expectation of the society. Through Tesol-mall, I will make steady and persistent efforts to develop my English skills and teaching skills. I want to study how to progress effective, creative and fun classes, how to treat all four skills-listening, speaking, reading, writing-appropriately in a lesson to enhance students' communicative competence and how to involve all the students into classroom activities. Also, I'd like to study and share the teaching plan and ideas with other teachers to develop useful procedure of lessons and activities. Through that, I want to become a better teacher that can contribute to motivate our students.

댓글 4개:

  1. when you write, "Through Tesol-mall, I will make steady and persistent efforts to develop my English skills and teaching skills," you realize that we only teach about teaching, right? for the most part even the fact that the program is exclusively in English does not really help students to improve their English that much. in fact, this course (academic writing) is just about the only one that teaches any 'English skills' in the entire program.

    BTW when I ask "what you want to study," I mean what do YOU want to 'research.'

    so . . . what do you want to research?


  2. What I want to reasearch...

    I’ve been interested in cooperative learning done by pair or group work. Two years ago, I let most of my classes work in groups. In group work, there is a kind of game or a competition and I gave all the members specific roles (leader, keeper, etc.) So all the students should prepare for class and participate there. However it was hard to cover all classes in a group consistently whole through year. Teachers have much to do before classes and I had doubt whether a cooperative learning is proper for all the skills students learn. But I felt those days most students were more pleased with working cooperatively, not individually. So, I want to research about cooperative work which is effective as well as fun.

  3. that sounds like a terrific topic!

    The next step will be to do some research on what other people say about Cooperative learning in the EFL environment... perhaps even the Korean EFL environment. Then you can begin to decide whether you want to do something similar to what other people have done, or do something original for your thesis research. :-)


  4. I can hardly imagine how difficult it might be to carry out student-centered learning activities in the class with tne number of approximately 30-40students. ^^
